Divine Mercy Sunday 2023

Listen closely, dear friend, for this is no mere coincidence. You have been led to this page for a reason – a divine purpose. So please share a time to read, at least this page, because you were not directed to this site for no reason.

Despite your weaknesses and so many shortcomings, you are a blessed soul, chosen by God Himself to experience the boundless love and limitless mercy that only He can offer.

Soften your heart so you will feel and understand that beyond all the difficulties, worries, and problems in your life, God was, God is still, and God will always be by your side. Give your heart a chance to feel the presence of God.

This is not a small matter but a calling – a call to explore the depths of your faith and discover the true meaning of your existence. Do not take this lightly, for the rewards that await you are beyond measure.

Trust in the mercy of Jesus, and allow Him to guide you on this journey.

The grace that will be bestowed upon you will be nothing short of miraculous. So, take heart and be emboldened, for you are meant for greatness. You are meant to know and experience the infinite love of God.

This is your calling – embrace it with all your heart, and see what wonders await you.

Divine Mercy

“Do whatever is within your power to spread devotion to My mercy. I will make up for what you lack.” (Diary 1074)

I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My mercy.” (Diary, 687)

Divine Mercy Devotion

Life can be filled with challenges and hardships that may leave us feeling overwhelmed. From the loss of loved ones to financial difficulties and health challenges, it’s easy to see why some people may feel like giving up. However, through the inspiration of St. Faustina, we are reminded that there is always hope, and the merciful Savior is always there for us.

St. Faustina was a Polish nun who lived in the early 20th century. She is known for her devotion to Divine Mercy and for the messages that she received from Jesus, which she recorded in her diary. Her writings have become a source of comfort and inspiration for millions of people around the world, reminding them that no matter how difficult their circumstances may be, there is always hope and a merciful Savior waiting to comfort them.

Through her writings, St. Faustina teaches us that we should never give up hope, even in the face of the most challenging circumstances. She reminds us that the merciful Savior is always there for us, waiting to comfort us and guide us through our trials. It is a comforting thought to know that no matter how far we may have strayed from the path of righteousness, the merciful Savior is always there to guide us back to the right path.

St. Faustina’s life also teaches us the importance of perseverance. Despite facing many challenges and difficulties in her own life, she remained steadfast in her devotion to the Divine Mercy. She never gave up hope, even in the face of great adversity. Her life is a testament to the fact that with faith and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

The Divine Mercy is an important devotion in Christianity, and it is centered on the boundless love and compassion that God has for humanity. Mercy is available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances or past mistakes. Through various practices and devotions, we can tap into this Divine Mercy and experience its transformative power in our lives.

One of the most significant forms of this devotion is the Image of Divine Mercy. It depicts the rays of red and white light emanating from the Heart of Jesus, representing the blood and water that flowed from his side during his crucifixion. This image is a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for our salvation and the boundless love and mercy that he has for each one of us – no one was excluded!

The Feast of Mercy, also known as Divine Mercy Sunday, is another important form of Divine Mercy devotion. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter and is a time to reflect on the mercy of God and the forgiveness that he offers us. During this feast, we can receive special graces and blessings if we participate in the sacraments and perform acts of mercy and kindness towards others.

The Divine Mercy Chaplet is often prayed by Catholics as a way to seek God’s mercy and forgiveness. It consists of a series of prayers and meditations on the Passion of Jesus. The Chaplet is a powerful tool for seeking God’s mercy and for offering prayers on behalf of ourselves and others.

Another powerful form of devotion to Divine Mercy is the Novena to The Divine Mercy. This nine-day prayer is a powerful way to seek God’s mercy. During this novena, we can seek God’s forgiveness for our sins, and coupled with our trust in His infinite Mercy, we can ask for whatever graces we need in life.

Prayer at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, which is known as the Hour of Great Mercy, is another way to tap into the power of the Divine Mercy. This is the time when Jesus died on the Cross, and it is a powerful moment to offer prayers of repentance and to seek God’s mercy and forgiveness.

The Divine Mercy is a powerful force that is available to everyone, and through various devotions and practices, we can tap into its transformative power in our lives. The Divine Mercy Image, the Divine Mercy Sunday (Feat of Mercy), the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Divine Mercy Novena, and prayer at 3 o’clock in the afternoon are powerful forms of devotion. By embracing these devotions, we can deepen our relationship with God and experience the peace and joy that comes from being in his presence.

Although the devotion to the Divine Mercy is new, it reminds us of the timeless message of God’s love for us. They draw us back to the Holy Eucharist, the great sacrament of mercy, where we can encounter the living Son of God, our merciful Savior, who lovingly suffered and died for us on the Cross, and whose merciful Heart was pierced with a lance.

Jesus revealed to St. Faustina that His Heart overflows with great mercy for souls, especially for poor sinners. His Blood and Water that flowed from His Heart is a fount overflowing with mercy for all sinners. Moreover, the Diary of Saint Faustina reveals that Jesus dwells in the tabernacle as King of Mercy.

Let us be inspired by the message of Divine Mercy and embrace the love and mercy that the Savior offers us. Let us draw near to Him in prayer and faith, and trust that He will always be there for us. No matter what challenges we may face, we can find comfort and hope in the merciful Heart of Jesus. As we embrace the five forms of devotion to the Divine Mercy, may we be filled with renewed strength, courage, and joy to face whatever comes our way.

Devotion to the Divine Mercy

The Divine Mercy Devotion offers a powerful message of hope and grace to those seeking comfort in the midst of life’s challenges. Through the Divine Mercy devotion, people can find hope, healing, and peace and draw closer to the Divine Mercy, which offers infinite love and mercy to all. The devotion offers new channels for the outpouring of grace to mankind. Through St. Faustina, the Merciful Savior revealed the said channels to be the Image of The Divine Mercy, the Feast of Mercy (Divine Mercy Sunday), the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Divine Mercy Novena, and the Hour of Great Mercy, where 3 o’clock Prayer is recited. By spreading devotion to His mercy, believers are promised protection and comfort throughout their lives and the assurance that in their final hour, Jesus will be a Merciful Savior for them rather than a just Judge. The Divine Mercy Devotion is a beacon of light for those seeking solace in the face of adversity, offering a message of love, forgiveness, and salvation to all who seek it.

3 O’clock Prayer

The 3 o’clock Prayer is a powerful prayer to be prayed at the sacred hour – 3:00 p.m. As revealed in the Diary of St. Faustina, Jesus promises to grant any request made in virtue of His Passion during this hour, refusing nothing to the soul that approaches Him with faith and trust. This is a time to connect with Jesus in a profound way and to ask for His mercy and grace, not only for ourselves but also for others. Through the 3 o’clock prayer, we can obtain everything that we need and experience the transformative power of His love in our lives. Let us make it a habit to pause at 3 p.m. each day and enter into the mystery of the Divine Mercy, confident in the knowledge that Jesus is waiting to pour out His blessings upon us.

Divine Mercy Chaplet

The Divine Mercy Chaplet is a powerful and effective prayer that can transform our lives and bring us closer to the love and mercy of Jesus. As revealed in the Diary of St. Faustina, Jesus promised that those who pray the chaplet will be able to obtain everything they ask for, as long as it is compatible with His will. This is an incredible promise that gives us confidence and hope in the power of prayer. Moreover, the souls that say the chaplet will be embraced by His mercy during their lifetime and especially at the hour of their death. This is a tremendous comfort and a source of hope for anyone who is seeking to draw closer to Jesus and experience His love and mercy. Through the Chaplet, we can entrust ourselves and our loved ones to Jesus’ care and invite His grace into our lives. Let us say the Chaplet with faith and devotion, confident that Jesus is listening and responding to our prayers, and let us make it a regular part of our prayer life and experience the blessings that flow from the mercy of our Lord and Savior.

Divine Mercy Novena

The Divine Mercy Novena is a powerful nine-day devotion that allows us to draw closer to Jesus and receive His abundant graces. Through this novena, Jesus promises to grant every possible grace to souls who devote themselves to this prayer for nine consecutive days. The Diary of St. Fustina reveals that during these nine days, Jesus desires that souls draw strength and refreshment from the fountain of His mercy, especially in times of hardship and even at the hour of death. This is a beautiful opportunity to bring our intentions and those of others to the fountain of His mercy, where we can draw strength, refreshment, and whatever grace we need to face the challenges of life. The Divine Mercy Novena is a beautiful expression of faith and devotion, and by committing to this prayer, we can experience the transformative power of Jesus’ love and mercy in our lives. Let us turn to Jesus with trust and confidence as we pray this powerful novena, and may we be transformed by His grace and mercy in every aspect of our lives.

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday, also known as the Feast of Divine Mercy, is a day of great significance and promise for Christians worldwide. It is a day of extraordinary graces and forgiveness, celebrating the infinite and boundless mercy of God towards humanity. According to the Diary of St. Faustina, Jesus promised that on this day, the very depths of His tender mercy are open, pouring out an entire ocean of graces upon those who approach the Fount of His Mercy. By going to Confession and receiving Holy Communion, one can obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. The promise of complete forgiveness of sins and punishment for those who receive Holy Communion and go to Confession on that day, as revealed in the Diary of St. Faustina, highlights the immense generosity of God towards us. On this day, all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened, inviting all souls to draw near to Him, no matter how great their sins may be. This day serves as a reminder that no one is beyond redemption and that God’s mercy knows no bounds. Divine Mercy Sunday is an invitation to receive God’s abundant mercy and love and a reminder of the power of His forgiveness and redemption.

Divine Mercy Image

The Divine Mercy Image is a powerful reminder of God’s endless mercy and love, as well as the graces and blessings promised by Jesus in relation to the Divine Mercy Devotion.
According to the Diary of St. Faustina, Jesus Himself requested that the image be painted with the inscription “Jesus, I trust in You.” This image, which depicts Jesus with rays of red and white emanating from his heart, has become a symbol of hope, forgiveness, and compassion for millions of people. It has since become a source of comfort and hopes for countless individuals around the world, who look to it as a reminder of God’s unfathomable mercy and grace. Through the Divine Mercy Image, believers are reminded of God’s unending compassion and are encouraged to trust in His boundless love.

Help Spread this Devotion

Are you ready to be part of something bigger than yourself? To make a positive impact on the world by spreading God’s boundless love? You have been called for a reason, and now is the time to answer that call. Join us in delivering the good news and become an instrument of hope and inspiration for those around you.

By liking, following, and sharing our page with your family and friends, you can help us reach even more people and spread the message of God’s love. And if you don’t feel comfortable doing it, that’s okay too. What matters most is that you respond to His calling in whatever way feels right for you.

Remember, you are not here by chance or accident. You are here because you have a purpose, and that purpose is to help deliver the good news. So don’t wait any longer. God is waiting for you, and the Father loves you. Together, we can make a difference in the world and bring hope to those who need it most.

Bible Verse

Bible Verse About God’s Mercy

Divine Mercy Novena
Divine Mercy Church

Mercy is the abstention from imposing a righteous punishment. The Bible has many stories of God’s mercy that serve as helpful illustrations. The whole manifestation of God’s mercy is shown in Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 18:23–27, we see another demonstration of God’s kindness. In this parable, Jesus compares a rich ruler who lends his own money to a debtor. When the ruler demanded the return of his money, the debtor came and pleaded for mercy. The ruler forgives the debt in turn. So, as we could not repay the debt to God, He has fully forgiven us of it in Christ. God is merciful and gracious. He is slow to anger, and he shows his steadfast love and faithfulness in eternal abundance. The basis of God’s mercy is His love for us. His mercy stems in significant measure from the fact that He is love (1 John 4:8). In relation to what we have done and insists on doing, we deserve to be punished. However, since God loves us and is merciful, He sent His Son to be the savior of humankind (John 3:16). Thus, we enjoy God’s kindness while Jesus suffers a horrible, painful death on our behalf.
God wants us to be with Him because of His love for us. God’s compassion and mercy are needed by all men of all generations. Jesus surrendered His life for us as a sacrificial lamb (Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29). God allowed His Son to bear the judgment we deserved so that we could be forgiven. His extreme act of mercy was described in these verses from Ephesians 2:4–5: “That is the highest expression of God’s love and mercy to us. What this means is that mercy ultimately wins out over condemnation.

Merciful God

Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Every one of us is guilty of having sinned. However, our sentence has been lenient; thus, the judge, who is our Merciful Father, has granted us mercy.
The reality is that every person who has been saved by Jesus has received mercy.
Though we have not done anything to earn it, God has always shown mercy to us. Divine grace cannot be earned but is a gift given to persons who were terribly guilty and completely undeserving of it.
Mercy and compassion are freely given by God, but they are not granted without any action on our part. God does not simply pardon us. We all must make some kind of sacrifice for our wrongdoing. God showed His great love and compassion by sending His only Son to bear the penalty for our sins.
On whom God has mercy, He shows mercy. Through the innocent blood of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ paid the punishment for our sins. We can only wish that this is the kind of mercy that God provides to people who have not done anything to be entitled to it: the flawless justice of God’s goodness brought to those who cannot earn it through the unearned sufferings of Christ in our place.

Merciful God

God’s compassion

Divine Mercy Prayer

But God Did Hear and Listened to My Voice in Prayer

Psalm 66:19-20 is a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and trust in God. These verses tell us that God hears our prayers and responds with love and mercy. As we read these words, we are reminded that we can turn to God in times of trouble and trust that He...

Divine Mercy Message

Ask for His Mercy

In the midst of our heavy and repetitive sins, it can be easy to feel unworthy of approaching Jesus and asking for His mercy. However, we must remember that His mercy is boundless and unconditional. No matter how intense our sins may be or how habitual our sins have become, we are invited to draw closer to Jesus and seek His forgiveness. His love and mercy for us are so immense that it surpasses all understanding, and He desires nothing more than to pour out His grace upon us. By approaching the fountain of His mercy, we open ourselves up to an ocean of blessings that only He can provide. Let us not hesitate to come to Him with humility and trust, for He will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request in virtue of His Passion. May we all be transformed by His mercy and experience the peace and joy that come from being in His loving embrace.

Completely Trust in His Mercy

When we put all of our faith in Jesus’ mercy, we give ourselves over to the endless blessings that only He can give. In other words, we leave it to Jesus whatever plans we have, whatever problems we are facing, and whatever challenges are coming our way. He longs to pour out His grace upon us and desires nothing more than to grant unimaginable blessings to those who place their trust in Him. It is through trust that the vessel of His mercy is filled, and the more we trust, the more we will receive. We must remember that Jesus’ mercy is always available to us and is willingly offered to us. When we surrender our fears and insecurities to Him and place our complete trust in His loving embrace, He will lavish us with His grace and transform our lives in ways we never thought possible. Trust is the key that unlocks the door to His mercy, and we must be willing to surrender ourselves completely to His will. By putting our faith in Him, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and allow Him to work in us in ways that we cannot even imagine. Let us place our trust in Him today and every day, and allow His mercy to fill us with peace, joy, and love.

Be Merciful to Others

Performing works of Mercy is a beautiful expression of our love for Jesus and our commitment to living out His teachings. As followers of Jesus, we are called to perform works of Mercy as an expression of our love for Him. Yes, we are called to show Mercy to our neighbors always and everywhere, whether it be through deeds, words, or prayer. Each of these ways contains the fullness of Mercy and is a testament to our love for Him. It is important to remember that we do not need material resources to carry out acts of Mercy. Even if we do not have material means with which to carry out an act of Mercy, we can still practice spiritual Mercy, which is much more meritorious. It is through these acts of Mercy that we show our love for Jesus and demonstrates our commitment to living a life that is centered on compassion and kindness toward others. By performing deeds of Mercy, we can bring hope and healing to those who are in need and make a difference in the world around us. Let us not forget that by failing to show Mercy to others, we run the risk of not receiving the Mercy of Jesus on the day of judgment. May we all strive to show Mercy in our daily lives and be a reflection of God’s love for those around us. Let us embrace the opportunity to show Mercy in all its forms and let our love for Jesus shine through our actions. By doing this, we will be blessed with His endless love and Mercy, and our lives will be full of His love.

Divine Mercy is an unfathomable ocean of Mercy that is available to all of us. It is an infinite and boundless gift that is available to everyone, no matter how great their sins may be.

It doesn’t matter how grave and gross our sins may be; we are invited to come closer to Jesus and seek His forgiveness. Jesus’ message of Divine Mercy is threefold: ask for His Mercy, trust in Him completely, and be merciful to others.

The first message of Divine Mercy is to ask for His Mercy. We may feel unworthy of approaching Jesus with our grave sins and gross failures, but we must remember that His love and Mercy for us are boundless and unconditional. No matter how intense our sins may be or how habitual they have become, we are invited to draw closer to Jesus and seek His forgiveness. By doing so, we open ourselves up to an ocean of blessings that only He can provide. Let us not hesitate to approach Him with humility and trust, for He will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request in virtue of His Passion.

The second message of Divine Mercy is that we must trust completely in His Mercy. When we surrender ourselves to Him and place our complete trust in His loving embrace, He will lavish us with His grace and transform our lives in unimaginable ways. He longs to pour out His grace upon us and desires nothing more than to grant unimaginable blessings to those who place their trust in Him. Trust is the key that unlocks the door to His Mercy, and we must be willing to surrender ourselves completely to His will. By putting our faith in Him, we allow Him to work in us in ways that we cannot even imagine.

The third message of Divine Mercy is to be merciful to others. As followers of Jesus, we are called to perform acts of Mercy as an expression of our love for Him. We can show Mercy to our neighbors always and everywhere, whether it be through deeds, words, or prayer. It is important to remember that we do not need material resources to carry out acts of Mercy. Even if we do not have material means with which to carry out an act of Mercy, we can still practice spiritual Mercy, which is much more meritorious. By performing deeds of Mercy, we can bring hope and healing to those who are in need and make a difference in the world around us. Let us not forget that by failing to show Mercy to others, we run the risk of not receiving the Mercy of Jesus on the day of judgment.

By embracing these messages, we can transform our lives and become the loving, compassionate, and kind individuals that Jesus calls us to be. The Devotion to the Divine Mercy is a call to approach Jesus with humility and trust, to completely surrender ourselves to His will, and to show compassion and kindness to those around us. By doing so, we will be blessed with His endless love and Mercy, and our lives will be transformed in ways that we never thought possible. Let us embrace the three messages of Divine Mercy and become a reflection of God’s love for those around us.

So, let us approach the fountain of His Mercy with humility and trust, surrender ourselves completely to His will, and perform acts of Mercy as an expression of our love for Him. Let us show Mercy to our neighbors always and everywhere, whether it be through deeds, words, or prayer.
By performing deeds of Mercy, we can bring hope and healing to those who are in need and make a difference in the world around us. Let us embrace the opportunity to show Mercy in all its forms and let our love for Jesus shine through our actions.

Bible Verse

Bible Verse about God’s Love

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The creation of this site was deeply rooted in our humble desire to help in spreading the devotion to the Divine Mercy. This mission was inspired by the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as conveyed through Saint Faustina’s Diary (1074): “Do whatever is within your power to spread devotion to My mercy….” It is our earnest desire to share the essence of this treasure trove with our readers and inspire them to deepen their devotion to Divine Mercy.

It is important to note that the excerpts from the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska mentioned and quoted in this site belong to the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. Their tireless efforts to promote the Devotion to Divine Mercy serve as a beacon of hope and guidance for those seeking to learn more about this holy devotion. And being one of the most authoritative and trustworthy sources of information about the Divine Mercy Devotion, coupled with our pure desire to provide only the accurate, non-misleading, and approved version of select contents of the Diary of Saint Faustina, we are deeply inspired to quote some diary excerpts that they exclusively own.

All visitors are encouraged to seek further information and inspiration on the Devotion to Divine Mercy from the Marian Fathers’ website, which is widely recognized as the most authoritative and official source of helpful information on this sacred subject found at www.thedivinemercy.org. Their site is highly recommended for those who are interested in deepening their understanding of the Devotion to Divine Mercy. It provides a comprehensive repository of helpful information about the Devotion to Divine Mercy, presented with the utmost authority and fidelity to the original teachings.

We would like to humbly note that this site only offers a limited glimpse into this holy devotion. While we hope that this site has kindled a spark of curiosity and devotion within your heart, we must acknowledge that this humble effort is not a comprehensive resource about Divine Mercy Devotion. There are so many inspiring things to learn about the Divine Mercy Devotion.

Therefore, we humbly encourage our readers to seek out their own personal copies of devotion booklets, such as the Diary or Novena, from reliable and trustworthy online shops like shopmercy.org and divinemercyart.org. These sacred texts, when carried with us throughout our daily lives, serve as a constant reminder of the infinite love and boundless mercy of our Lord and Savior.

Personal copies of these holy books are faithful and steadfast companions on life’s journey, providing solace, guidance, and inspiration whenever we may need it most. So let us not delay in obtaining these precious resources, and let us carry the message of Divine Mercy with us always as a beacon of hope and a testament to our unwavering faith.

It is our earnest desire that this site serves as a catalyst for deepening your faith and strengthening your relationship with our merciful Lord.

May the blessings of Divine Mercy be showered upon you abundantly. And through you, may the message of Divine Mercy continue to spread and flourish throughout the world, bringing hope and healing to all who seek it.


    • Diary 687: The History of the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy | The Divine Mercy. https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/chaplet-history

    • Diary 1074: Are We to Respond to God’s Mercy? https://www.thedivinemercy.org/articles/how-are-we-respond-gods-mercy